Thursday, January 26, 2017

Animated: Computer and Network Maintenance Timesheets

Doing computer and network maintenance? Got a timesheet just for that? Now you do!

Log Time to Your Consulting Jobs

Watch the video below, and try out some of this stuff right here.

The average computer breaks about every month. Not the hardware, the software. An app won’t launch… you lose internet connectivity… you can’t print… you have no access to a certain folder on the server… the list goes on and on. IT professionals know that.

“We fix client computers and servers every day”

And IT professionals know which timesheet works best for computer and network maintenance. Scroll down below the video to find out why it’s this one.

Why is this the best timesheet for IT and network professionals?

Everything you do is under a project

Breaking things up by project is a pretty good idea. That way, all your time doesn’t blend in with everything else. You can find all the time you spent on a certain project or client really quickly. The possibilities for organization only grow from there. Consider creating tasks under certain projects. Or consider creating billing milestones for certain projects. You can approve time sheets for one project and reject another. You can view revenue for a selected project, or for all. Projects are good for IT.

“Every project in the system is actually a client job”

You can use “tasks” to break out every machine and server

What if you broke out every machine and server in the shop as a task? In other words, created a new task that represented the work you do on specific PC’s. You would instantly see actual hours for every machine you worked on. That might be interesting to know over a one-year period. And, the machines would total up at the project level, so you’d see all the machine maintenance time for all of them.

You can use “tasks” to break out every block of support time you sell

Another possibility for tasks is to represent blocks of support time you see. Here’s a video that discusses how to set up blocks of support time as project tasks. You set the task duration to the number of hours you sell. Now log time to it. A pop-up tells you when you’re nearing completion. Now go out and sell another block of time with a new PO.

“Every task under each project is a block of support time”
“Every block has a PO”

All your IT support time is visible to managers and execs

There’s more to computer and network maintenance than the technical stuff. There’s the business stuff. You know… billing, profitability, planning and investing. So your timesheet needs to be a little more robust than your average spreadsheet. Otherwise, you’re not going to make any money at this game. Managers and execs need to analyze your time and billing. Bookkeepers need to bill clients. Timesheets must be locked down after billing occurs. So there’s lots more that goes into a timesheet than meets the eye.

“It looks like we’re still profitable”

Android and iOS sync while you’re on the road

Even when you’re in the office, you might like to track your time on your phone. Just because you’re sitting in front of a computer monitor doesn’t mean you want to use that system for your timesheet. You want your timesheet on your phone where it belongs, right? And that’s what you’ll get. The Android and iOS timekeeping apps sync with the desktop or cloud, so it’s like entering your time there.

“I’m going to Tweet the ST Timesheet”

This article Animated: Computer and Network Maintenance Timesheets was first seen on

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