Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Looking for a Timesheet?

Timesheet? Or was that project management?

Pat yourself on the back… you’ve found it!

So the next question you might ask is, does this time sheet solution fit your company culture and workflow. Only you can answer that, but downloading the trial and reading the descriptions below might help. Watch the video first, and then scroll down for more information.

“This timesheet is perfect for us”

Your company culture and workflow have a big influence in choosing the right time-sheet, and the project management pieces that come with it.  Consider how you might use such an app, and then move forward to downloading the timesheet.

Are employees in one office, distributed, or working in the field?

There are timesheet and time tracking solutions for each of these situations: Office, Virtual, and Field. If you’re all on a single LAN, you could deploy the Windows Edition of ST. Or, you could deploy a combination of Windows and Web. Users will see the same timesheet on both platforms. They will all see the same projects (assuming they are assigned to them). Project managers can use the same tools. This is one single database for all employees. Projects and tasks can be published to specific users or work-groups within the organization.

If you’re a virtual operation with people working at home or remote offices, you might consider deploying just the Web Edition. Users access the timesheet and projects from browsers. Field workers or consultants on the road will likely use our Android or iOS time tracking apps. Those apps sync with the cloud. Executives or managers in the office immediately see the time and expense records recorded in the field.

“Got it on my iPhone”

Do you have project managers and a PMO?

Larger organizations employee PM’s to watch projects, tasks, and employee hours. (If you don’t, count yourself lucky, and let employees self-manage the projects they’re on, and their own timesheets.) Project managers will find plenty to assist in getting projects completed. After all, that’s why they are employed. Task hierarchies, links, predecessors, successors, etc. all let managers assign tasks and watch them for completion. Task warnings make sure projects move swiftly from start to finish.

“I liked your 10 Tools for the PMO video”

Are you billing time to clients?

If so, you’ll be interested in flexible billing rates by employee, role, type of work, or flat-rate milestone invoicing. You’ll have to explore all the options to make sure they fit your business model. But likely they will. There’s enough flexibility to fit almost any model. You can either create native invoices in the time-sheet app, or throw the time and expenses over the fence to Quick Books.

Does your HR department have a solution for PTO tracking?

If you don’t already have a vacation tracking solution, you’ll get this one thrown in. So not only is this a timesheet and project management app, it includes PTO and vacation tracking. Time off accruals collect time periodically for each employee. Hours are subtracted when they take time off. You’ll see both project time and vacation time in the same time sheet.  Plus, you’ll see calendars of when everybody is off, and can tell if you’ll miss important meetings during your time away. Those are some worthwhile additions for HR to consider.

“Let’s go ahead and do this”

This article was originally published at: http://www.stdtime.com/animated/animated-looking-for-a-timesheet.htm

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